alex raymond


Alfonso “Al” Williamson shared a birthday with me.  I wish I had shared in some of his talent.

Al was one of the all-time great comic artists and was rightly recognized as such early on in his career.

He was a friend and collaborator of Frank Frazetta and his body of work included many of the big titles of the 20th century — Flash Gordon, Tarzan, the EC horror comics of the 50s and the Star Wars comic books.

Al’s artwork was dynamic and action-packed, like Burne Hogarth and Alex Raymond before him. It could be beautiful and intricate, like Hal Foster and John Cullen Murphy.

Flash Gordon scene from Al Williamson

RIP: Alfonso “Al” Williamson (March 21, 1931 – June 12, 2010)


TAGS: Al Williamson, artist, comics, newspaper, Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Tarzan


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Comic panel of Secret Agent X-9 fighting a gang of armed thugs.

Alex Raymond excelled in dynamic action illustration

I immediately fell in love with Alex Raymond’s art when first exposed to it.  As a film noir and detective fiction fan, I discovered that he illustrated a comic strip called Rip Kirby, with the script by Dashiell Hammett (The Maltese Falcon and Thin Man author).

After Raymond’s death, the strip continued with other artists and changed to Secret Agent X-9.

Raymond made his biggest splash as the originator (author and artist) of Flash Gordon.  Awesome stuff and influential to this day.

Here you go — enjoy Alex Raymond.



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