I was born in 1956 — the year Elvis burst upon the scene in his first movie and his first appearance on Ed Sullivan. I grew up during the rich musical era of the 60s with a passion for The Beatles and rock music generally. I came of age in the 70s when I became a musician and songwriter, and ventured into country and country-rock music with my brothers and a good friend — Ron Bailey — who formed The Bunkhouse Boys. In the 80s I moved on — leaving small town Kansas for big town Kansas — but, at least, it was a step forward. I developed my love for computers at that time, starting with my beloved Atari 800 and moving into the IBM PC world. In the 90s, I found my soul mate, Estelle Toby Goldstein, MD and we’ve been together since. We moved to Oklahoma where she briefly continued her academic career teaching at the University of Oklahoma medical school and conducting research on psychotropic drugs. But she grew frustrated in academia and we formed our first private practice research organization. Before the end of the decade, we moved to California and fell in love with the state. By 2004, we decided we wanted to settle in San Diego, and opened a cash-only adult outpatient psychiatric practice, with Estelle researching natural treatments rather than prescription drugs. I worked in marketing her as a guru and getting her works to the public — mainly via the internet. Now, in the second decade of the 21st century, we are moving on again, with Estelle developing new natural treatments and we are working to exploit them commercially.
Meanwhile, I haven’t given up my love of music and writing and I have the facilities to record wherever I am — hotel room, office, etc — although I very seldom perform live. My goal is to produce musical theater and to do some script writing for projects that interest me.
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