It’s bad enough Joe didn’t get a reservation, the inns are all sold out, and we gotta sleep in the barn, but have you ever tried to get a baby to sleep in a manger?
I finally get him down — he’s gotta sleep in the manger, fer heaven’s sake! — and a bunch of shepherds drive their flock into the barn. Wake the baby, he’s crying! I shout “whattaya doin! can’t ‘cha see we got a baby sleepin’ here?”
They claim it’s a barn and what did I expect — camels? And the kid is sleepin’ on the sheep’s hay. I tell Joe to give them the Bum’s Rush but he just waves them away and says “have a heart!”
So I get the baby asleep again and whattaya think? It IS camels now! Three idiots from who-knows-where come trotting into the barn babbling in some kinda crazy tongue about following stars and traveling forever. Wakes the kid again, and now I gotta rock him and the camels smell like they ain’t been washed for ages — horrible stink fills the barn.
And what do you think else could happen?
Dis little runny-nose brat comes into the barn banging on a drum! He’s shouting, “I play my drum for him!” and he thinks he’s Gene Krupa or something! Baby starts crying all over again.
Ever have one of those nights?