September 2019 Archives


Jerry Lewis got a dirty deal. From 1966 through 2014, the universally acknowledged comedy genius hosted the MDA Labor Day Telethon. A couple of generations grew up with Jerry on TV for 24 straight hours, hosting a string of celebrities from A-list to zzzzzzz (sleep through them, bubbie).

But the Muscular Dystrophy Association cut ties with the star who had raised so many millions of $$$$ for them in 2011. (MDA estimates around $2 billion from all telethons, including ones before and after Jerry). Why, Why, WHY?

Jerry was not only the king of comedy, he was the arch-duke of show biz and he knew all the tricks. He could be crazy and zany, but as the hours ticked by and he got more exhausted her would go absolutely nutsy-coo-coo. He cried, he pleaded, he cajoled, he did everything in the book. By the time the final “tote” (the total on the big board) was revealed, Jerry was ready to be carted away to a long-deserved rest.

But, MAN! what a show!

The MDA gave Jer the honorary title of National Chairman of the MDA in 1956. He hosted Thanksgiving telethons in 1957 and 1959. The first Labor Day Telethon was 1966 and was broadcast on only one station in New York. From then on, it was Labor Day all the rest of the Jerry years.

You know who was on these telethons? Everybody. Think of a name from show-biz history. Yep — they were on the telethon. Singers, dancers, actors, groups, animals, puppets and muppets and marionettes, swingers and squares — and don’t forget Ed McMahon, who served as the anchor for 40 years.

The first time he hosted, Thanksgiving of 1956, he was actually co-host with Dean Martin. That’s the year their comedy duo broke up — but Frank Sinatra reunited them on the 1976 telethon (supposedly surprising Jerry). It was kinda awkward, but sweet. They hadn’t been together for almost 20 years.

Then — unexpectedly — no more Jerry. The star didn’t talk about it. He was bitter. MDA claimed he wanted to retire. As if!

In 2015, the MDA discontinued the telethon. In an increasingly socially conscious age, they were getting lots of criticism. Some thought the telethon was presenting a detrimental picture of people with MDA. Many were successful and led full lives — they weren’t victims, they were not objects of pity, they should not be held up in front of a TV camera to elicit pity.

Jerry Lewis died in 2017 at age 91. The MDA lives on and still makes a lot of money. But Labor Day will never be the same.

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