Beware of falling into this trap…

I don’t know how many years I stumbled around thinking I could “wing-it” on marketing.

Then I got serious … and started getting serious results.

One of the biggest problems you run into is how to evaluate all the so-called “marketing gurus” out there, and how to decide which course you want to buy.

Our NoteTakingNerd — Lewis LaLanne — offers up his valuable notes taken from an interview with a marketing guru.

As usual, you will be amazed at how much good information you get for free from the NoteTakingNerd.


TAGS: MYNOTETAKINGNERD, Lewis LaLanne, marketing, copywriting


Record yourself and record everything.

I recently bought a small digital recorder, and it plugs in to my car stereo, awesome way to sing along with the rhythms you lay down as you are riding and thinking, turn off your radio ,let your thoughts roll, and pay attention to your inner conversations,listen for sentences that sounds like something you’ve never heard before, in a book or in a movie, always looking for unique thoughts and sentences. Listen to your friends as they gossip, or are telling you a story…

Songwriting Tips

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Creator Don Heck in “DANGER” Comics!

comic panels from Trouble In Morocco

This ain't Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour!

This is only one of the many, many great things over at Shane Glines’ Cartoon Retro.

If you click on over there, you’ll be able to see all the scanned pages of this story, and you will discover why I love this blog.


TAGS: Shane Glines, Cartoon Retro, comic books, DANGER Comics, Don Heck

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When I was young, I discovered a magical place — the public library.

One of the many revelations there was that comics were treated in a scholarly manner.  I could get a great big coffee-table book of old newspaper or comic book reprints.  It was heaven.

One of the scholars and enthusiasts responsible for these books was Bill Blackbeard, who passed away March 10.

What a great name — totally suitable for the kind of guy who fearlessly collects and preserves comics.  I was a big fan of Blackbeard.

If you’d like to find out more about this ultimate comic fan, The Comics Journal has a list of articles written about Blackbeard that you can digest.

We all know that comics is an art form, don’t we?  And a valuable piece of history.


TAGS: Bill Blackbeard, comics, history, The Comics Journal, newspaper, comic books, comic strips, cartoons

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Nikola Dante, swashbuckling pirate from 2000AD comicsDashing and daring, Nikolai Dante — one of 2000AD’s most popular characters, swings into action.  The magazine is the roosting place of Judge Dredd — so what is a swordsman like Nikolai doing there?

He’s keeping his fans satisfied.  The pirate is propelled by artist and co-creator Simon Fraser.

Check out Simon’s blog and get acquainted with this talented British artist — if you aren’t already a die-hard fan.


TAGS: Swashbuckler, Nikolai Dante, 2000AD, Judge Dredd, Simon Fraser, comic book, comic art, comics

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