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I never really related to teen comics when I was a teen.  It seems most of them were rooted in the 50s — if not the 40s.
I had a serious comic book habit.  I carried The Norton Daily Telegram route every day after school, starting in about 2nd grade (my older brother had the route and I inherited it a few years later when he got involved in Jr. High sports after school).
Likewise, my younger brother started going around the route with me when he was pretty young and took it over when I reached Jr. High.  It was a real family tradition.
After I picked up the papers and tucked them in my bag, Iwould stop by Compaan’s Rexall drug store and pick up my comic of the day.  They were a dime when I started, then went to 12 cents and then 15 cents over the next few years.  Whew — I was given a lesson in inflation at an early age.  But I was earning paper route money, so I could afford it.
I walked my route, throwing or dropping off papers while reading a comic (or MAD magazine, but that’s another post).
Among those was Archie — as I’ve mentioned, not exactly my favorite book.
I wasn’t aware of Tippy Teen until just recently and found myself admiring the art.
So now I’m gonna share with you …. this ought to blast you back to the Malt Shoppe days. (After the Jump)

Read more on Schwartz in Fashion: The Tippy Teen Years…

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