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SongWriting Fever Blog

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I assume that when seeing the title to this post, most fans of DC Comics immediately think of the shapeshifting, fire-hating martian, J’onn J’onzz who made hist first appearance in Detective Comics #225 (November 1955).  Indeed, some call this character DC’s first Silver Age superhero.  Other DC fans might think back a couple of years […]
Golden Age of Comic Books

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Although I knew about and occasionally used the Major 7th chords while playing rock and country, I really didn’t get into them deeply until I started studying jazz guitar.

Here is a terrific introductory article by Chris at The Guitar Lesson Review Blog — and I couldn’t improve on it, so I’m sharing it with you in total.



In a previous post on the topic of guitar chord theory, I talked about how regular major chords are created from the 1, 3 & 5th notes of the major scale.

To recap, here are the C Major scale notes, with the 1, 3, 5 notes highlighted:

C major scale highlighted notes

which leads to the regular C Major chord as played in open position on the guitar: Read more on Guitar Chord Theory – Seventh Chords…

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I’m not really a big fan of Nancy and Sluggo — although I read the strip every day in “The Topeka Capital” while growing up, and probably even bought a few comic books.  I thought the art was of the Rubber Stamp School.

Later, I found out this was a spin off of a 1920’s strip staring Fritzi Ritz — later known as Nancy’s “Aunt Fritzi” who was a HOT flapper!  I mean, she was more HBO than NBC, if you know what I mean.

I found these scans at Joyville and thought I’d share … the comments below are from the host web-site.


Read more on Bushmiller-esque Christmas…

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