Direct Response Marketing

Grover Cleveland

Shoot holes in all of your prospects objections using what you learn in these notes…

Once again MyNoteTakingNerd comes through — he does all the work and gives us valuable information.

This time, he’s gone straight to the master — Dan S. Kennedy of No B.S. marketing fame.  Kennedy is the man behind most of the major campaigns you’ve seen in the past 25 years.  He’s the brains behind most of those infomercials you see on TV (especially high profile ones like ProActive acne treatment and Victoria Principal beauty products) as well as putting Joan Rivers into business on QVC.

Nobody in the business disputes Dan’s supremacy.

So our favorite NoteTakingNerd has sat himself down with pencil and paper and taken notes — the thing he does best.

If you want the wisdom of Dan Kennedy without the expense and work of going to his seminars or buying his DVDs, just go check out this terrific blog.




Mobile marketing is not a new phenomenon it has been around for 4 or 5 years, basically it was started with mobile phone companies sending text messages (SMS) to your mobile phone and trying to get you to buy a new mobile phone from them. Then you had the text messages that asked you to call a certain number; which if you did cost you a small fortune, these were mainly scams. However, times have changed and so has the mobile phone, smart-phone mobile media technology has come on leaps and bounds and is pushing ahead of internet technology.
Business:Marketing-Direct Articles from


I can’t express to you the value of a resource such as Lewis LaLanne’s (aka Nerd #2) My Note Taking Nerd’s Blog.

Robert J. Ringer's best-seller "Million Dollar Habits"A terrific example is his guide to Robert J. Ringer’s legendary book Million Dollar Habits.

I first read Winning Through Intimidation shortly after finishing school and joining the work force.

What an eye-opener! I was raised in the Puritan work ethic of “Be Nice, Don’t Question Authority, Just Do What You are told.”

I immediately glommed on to his follow-up, Looking Out For #1

He has written other books since, and they are all worthwhile reads.

But if you don’t have time to read all the books — or you want a synopsis to see if they are worth your time to seek out and read — that’s where our Nerd comes in handy.

Not only business people can learn from Ringer’s philosphies — they are good life lessons — especially in our age of political and religious pressures affecting every-day life.

Ringer has his own blog, also — highly recommended reading.



A trade show display banner is a great way to add extra punch to your booth. Grabbing the fleeting attention of attendees on the trade show floor is crucial to success. A banner creates visual impact and it is a very flexible tool to add to your trade show armory.
Business:Marketing-Direct Articles from


Our Favorite Note Taking Nerd has set himself a 90-Day-Challenge for self-improvement, the goal of which is to make him a better copywriter, lover, citizen, whatever.

Lewis LaLanne determined to exercise each day, study copywriting and marketing material, drinking lots of water and practicing his typing.

I’d exercised for the day, I’d studied some kind of marketing/copywriting material, I’d spent 30 minutes on Typing Master honing my typing skills, I’d downed 75 ounces of water… and then I forgot to do some release technique homework.

He’s gone through over half of his predetermined program.

Lewis will tell you all about it (beware, some of the language is adult and NSFW) at his terrific site MyNotetakingNerd.

He’s got a lot of valuable FREE material on his site and I strongly urge you to sign up for his mailing list if you are a serious marketer.