

Have you ever run into a chart and instead of chords, they write Roman numerals?  And worse yet — do you wonder what the heck those things mean?

Some call it “The Nashville System” — although the Roman Empire is slightly older than the Grand Ole Opry.

You can get a guide to how the Roman Numeral System relates to the major scale at Lessons @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com


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I can’t express to you the value of a resource such as Lewis LaLanne’s (aka Nerd #2) My Note Taking Nerd’s Blog.

Robert J. Ringer's best-seller "Million Dollar Habits"A terrific example is his guide to Robert J. Ringer’s legendary book Million Dollar Habits.

I first read Winning Through Intimidation shortly after finishing school and joining the work force.

What an eye-opener! I was raised in the Puritan work ethic of “Be Nice, Don’t Question Authority, Just Do What You are told.”

I immediately glommed on to his follow-up, Looking Out For #1

He has written other books since, and they are all worthwhile reads.

But if you don’t have time to read all the books — or you want a synopsis to see if they are worth your time to seek out and read — that’s where our Nerd comes in handy.

Not only business people can learn from Ringer’s philosphies — they are good life lessons — especially in our age of political and religious pressures affecting every-day life.

Ringer has his own blog, also — highly recommended reading.