Direct Response Marketing


In a struggling economy, it is often hard to find promotional items that fit into a company’s rough budget. Pens are a timeless classic used by companies and events around the world as effective promotional marketing tools.
Business:Marketing-Direct Articles from


FROM: Lewis aka Note Taking Nerd #2.

Today, like the title says, I’m sharing with you 5 of my favorite blogs, that you may or may not be familiar with, that I believe will serve you in their demonstration of how first class content marketing is done so that it puts rent money in your pocket while simultaneously  transforming you into a hero to your ideal audience. Just click on  the blogger’s name or the name of their site and you’ll be delivered to the excellence that is their site!

First on the list is …

Read more on 5 Of My Favorite Marketing Blogs…


2-22-11 post

Your perfect prospect has people picking at their attention all day long. What’re you gonna do to stand out?

Hey You,

It’s Lewis aka Nerd #2.

Today I’m gonna share with you amazing guide for what I believe to be one of the most effective, fastest and cheapest ways to get a relationship started with a person you want to make some money with on a joint venture, affiliate, a consulting contract, or a copywriting project… using only one 100-200 word email.

This email method puts an end to your fear of picking up the damn phone and cold calling a hit list of ice cold prospects who you’d love to work with.

And if you ask anyone who’s hit the big leagues with their business and had it start making serious money, it was the meeting of and connecting with, one person who got the ball rolling and gave them the momentum they needed to really make a name for themselves.

But how you do you introduce yourself to an established authority or your ideal prospect with one tiny email without looking like a total pussy begging for help or an arrogant douche canoe know-it-all? Great question. There’s an art to finding just the right balance, but first you have to realize…

This Is Different Than Email Marketing, a Salesletter, or a Follow-Up Auto-responder

Email marketing consists of you having a list of people who’ve given you the green light to email them your newsletter or other announcements from you. And you might blast the same exact message out to dozens or even thousands of people.

Read more on How You Can Use One Email To Transform A Cold Prospect Who’s Never Heard Of You… Into A Hot Lead…


Pop-up exhibits give you a fantastic opportunity for your organization to be able to compete at exhibitions and trade shows. Giving some thought to your objectives before a show will help you to increase the reward from a trade show presence.
Business:Marketing-Direct Articles from


I’ve probably learned more about copywriting in the past two years than in my entire life.

When I started in journalism, I was given the conventional wisdom of the times (this was late 70s).

Unfortunately it was the conventional wisdom of earlier times and is still the same conventional wisdom.

It is amazing nobody ever gets discouraged because the “official rules” just don’t work.

Studying people who actually make money copywriting is eye-opening.  You realize how far off the path you were. It can be humbling.

So here is an essay by someone who is up and coming as a copywriter. And please don’t think that $ 100,000.00 is an ultimate goal.  It’s a milestone, and probably just the beginning of the journey.

You can make more money as a successful copywriter than you can as a novelist or screenwriter — if you do it right.

Enjoy one woman’s story —  by clicking through the link below.



What it means to be a six-figure copywriter courtesy of American Writers & Artists Inc.