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Did you think Frazetta did only barbarian art?

Splash panel from Happy Fair Tales with art by Frank Frazeta

click the image to see the blog with the scanned pages

While on a Frank Frazetta art hunt (a Google hunt, of course) I found this gem.  I knew FF did a lot of comic art, but never heard about this one.

The scanned pages are over at Pappy’s Golden Age of Comics Blogzine — which is a real find in itself. You’ll just love clicking through the links and finding more good vintage comics.


TAGS: golden age, comics, comic book, frank frazetta, fairy tales,

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Heroes Con 2010 is now history, but it was a blast!  Will and I spent most of our time with good friend and “super dealer”, Earl Shaw at his booth selling the heck out of comics.  The time at Earl’s booth was especially enjoyable as the legendary Chuck Rozanski spent most of the show there […]
Golden Age of Comic Books

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When I decided to teach myself drawing, my first question was, “how will I know if the drawing is good?”

How-to-draw-minnie-mouseThe answer I arrived at was, if it was a good likeness.

I really wasn’t interested in Norman Rockwell-style art.  I loved comics and caricatures (I was raised on MAD Magazine).  So I started doing celebrities and knew that I had a good drawing when anybody (even me) could tell who was pictured.

Disney characters are universally known and fun to draw.  If you’re interested in sharpening your sketching skills, here is a basic tutorial on step-by-step drawing of Minnie Mouse.



TAGS: comic, drawing, art, instruction, step-by-step, Disney, Minnie Mouse, cartoon

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Doodles is one of those comic characters little known (and mostly forgotten) by the general public.  But this 1950s character is beloved by a devoted cult.

Gabriel Corbera over at Joyville is one of those afficianados, and he’s got a good selection of scanned pages for you to enjoy.

The comic was created to capitalize on the popularity of POGO (and creator Walt Kelly).  And while Doodles has some endearing charms, he’s no Pogo.

Why not click through and make up your own mind?

TAGS: Joyville, Doodles Duck, Sheldon Mayer, Doodles Duck, Pogo, Walt Kelly, comic book, classic, vintage, retro, funny animal, cute animal

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Do you like your history lessons straight-no-chaser?

Marvel comics artist Jack Kirby, creator of SpidermanHow about the fascinating story of comic artist god Jack Kirby fighting Marvel Comics to give him back his original artwork?

Former Marvel Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter is taken to task in The Comics Journal for his blog posts recounting this historical event.

Gary Groth, TCJ Editor-in-Chief, guides us through the truth, half-truths and BS and gives us some insight into the art of comics, the business of comics and the people who veer in and out of those orbits.


TAGS: The Comics Journal, Jack Kirby, Marvel Comics, Jim Shooter, Gary Groth, lawsuit, legal action, comic books, artist

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Archaia Entertainment has announced the hiring of Mike Kennedy to their publisher position, where he’ll work on the growing comics company’s production and marketing and report to the company’s CEO. Kennedy has roots in comics and in the videogame industry. The linked-to article at the hobby business news and analysis site ICv2.com suggests that the move is related to the round of investment the company received in March. This makes a certain amount of sense as the announced goals for that money were to build digital and overall branding, which seems like something Kennedy could help them do. Archaia specializes in idiosyncratic adventure series such as Artesia and European imports The Killer and The Secret History, and has spent the last few years building up a market presence through an aggressive comics-to-trade release schedule and something of an across-the-line publication design.

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Advertisement for Listerine Toothpaste from 1947

Fooey for Perfume! When it’s romance you’re after…look for Listerine! -- from Dec 1947.

We know and love Barnacle Press for it’s treasure trove of vintage newspaper comic strips going back more than a century.

But did you know that they also have vintage advertising cartoons?

Here’s an example from Listerene Toothpaste.


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Yes — the company that brought you the Frisbee and hula hoop and Slinky also brought you (only one issue) Wham-O Giant Comics.

Wham-O Giant Comics Cover

According to Comic Vine, five issues were promised, but only the first one was ever produced. It was gigantic at 21” by 14” and only cost a quarter.

For full details and — of course — a scan of the comic

Hey, it had a Wally Wood story in it — it could have bee HUGE!  I mean — a huge success.




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