March 2011 Archives


Howie Post passed away about a year ago, and his contribution to comics has been acknowledged by numerous tributes.

Our buddies at Joyville have a nice retrospective of his work including some page scans from Hot Stuff, the Little Devil #19 (1960).

Skip on over to Joyville and enjoy the Hot Stuff.


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I’d vaguely heard of musical modes but didn’t know much about them until I decided to take some brush-up piano lessons a few years ago.

My teacher was a retired rocker from the 60s who had modest success and was enjoying his life of relaxation in a California beach resort town where my wife and I were staying.

As I got more educated in modes, I also got more interested in Jazz music.  I’d never understood where a lot of it came from or where it was going until I got modal.

If you want to stick your toe in the water, there is a great two-part series at

Take a peek and see if it can help you awaken some creative juices in your playing or songwriting.


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One of the most valuable marketing techniques I’ve learned in the past few years is something that dentists have been doing for many, many years.

Open your mind and you can see how this applies to you — no matter what business you are in.  But it works especially well for promoting your band or your merchandise (like CDs and T-shirts and all that other stuff that people pay money for.)

Whenever somebody goes to the dentist, they are immediately entered into a computer for a follow-up campaign.  The most basic is a postcard in the mail (nowadays, probably an email) reminding you to come in for your 6-month check-ups.

But the up-sell is where the real money is.

Read more on Musicians, Bands, Songriters — You Can Market Like A Dentist!…

Popcorns or How not to be eaten by Nancy

Nancy isn’t exactly a “guy comic” –but it was part of my growing up.  In fact, it was the first comic featured in this blog when I started it.

Those who enjoy Nancy just groove on the gag.  Like a good joke, the strip seldom features more than a set-up and a punch line.

The artwork — well, I think I used the words “rubber stamp” last time.  The images certainly don’t intrude on the gag.  They are basically there to point the way.

If you enjoy Nancy, and want a nostalgia fix, jog on over to Joyville.

Nancy may not be for everybody — But one thing I have to admit — that Aunt Fritzi is one hot dish.


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Every musical genre has its fans and its detractors. But every genre deserves respect.

People who turn up their noses as — say, Polkas — will sniff and tell you, “There is no such thing as a GOOD polka!”

Yet I can take you to certain towns and show you crowds of people dancing and drinking and having a good time (and paying good money) to enjoy the polka.

I dabbled in heavy metal quite a few years ago and I think there is even a sample of my work on my music page (link is over in the right-hand column).

If your goal is to write heavy metal songs, you may want to check out “tips for writing diverse metal genres” over on the Ultimate Guitar website.


tags: songwriting, heavy metal

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I have very little use for the cell phone and I do not text.  I have more important things to do with my life.

I’ve had to accept the fact that both my wife and I need cell phones since we travel so much, but we both have no-contract, pay-as-you-go phones.

When people find out about this, they scoff.  We are fools for paying more when we could get a sweet annual contract from one of the major companies for only a few cents a day.

Of course, I’ve never heard of anyone who is happy with their phone contract.  They all seem to want a 2-year committment which is way too long when technology advances as quickly as it does.

Then they end up paying penalties for ending the contract early and switching to something else.  And if they have complaints about service or features, they can’t just switch immediately — they feel they are stuck.

So who’s the sucker, Mr. Stucker?

Well, now with a new round of regulations giving phone companies the right to charge for the amount of internet usage you access, people are really getting uptight.

I just saw a great article that provides a loophole where you can get out of your AT&T contract immediately with no penalty.

I hope this eases the sting of being stuck with a major phone contract.


tags: AT&T, internet usage, cell phone contract, text messaging

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