

Have you ever run into a chart and instead of chords, they write Roman numerals?  And worse yet — do you wonder what the heck those things mean?

Some call it “The Nashville System” — although the Roman Empire is slightly older than the Grand Ole Opry.

You can get a guide to how the Roman Numeral System relates to the major scale at Lessons @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com


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Are you better at starting songs than finishing them?

Is songwriting a “necessary evil?”

Do you get stuck and give up — at least from time to time.

You need to check out the latest posting at Ultimate Guitar.  There are some suggestions on how to keep your momentum going when you seem to be spinning your wheels.


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Yngwie J. Malmsteen, that is.  Is there any other?  The Swedish guitarist is known for his sweep picking and tapping.

Yngwie J. MalmsteenIt’s not easy, and it doesn’t sound real easy, either.

If you’re interested in some basic techniques, jump over to Ultimate Guitar and start digesting.  There’s a lot of stuff there — but it’s only scratching the surface.

Hey, yeah!  Let’s learn scratching as well as tapping.  Maybe next lesson.


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First you learn some basic chords — maybe the C-A-G-E-D system.

Then you put them together in some kind of chord progression, like I-IV-V7

Then you will start wanting to play some lead licks or simple melodies.

If you are at that stage, go over to Ultimate Guitar — there is some guidance on playing simple melodies over common chords.


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