May 2019 Archives


Today is the 28th anniversary of our wedding. We have had quite a journey so far in our life, and we don’t think we are finished yet.

But the journey is a cycle, and when you complete one cycle, the next one starts.

The master who figured this out is a legend himself — Joseph Campbell. He wrote books, including “The Hero With A Thousand Faces,” about myths and legends from prehistoric times to the present that presented what he called “The Monomyth” or The Hero’s Journey.

This pattern of story telling appears in every culture and is the basis of literature, religion, history, and especially today — superhero movies.

I knew I married an exceptional lady, but as I learned about Prof. Campbell’s work, I realized that her life story closely followed the Monomyth. I started mapping her biography to the Campbell formula and found that she had already been through her initial cycle before I even met her. Since then, she has been through two more.

For those not personally familiar with me, I am married to Estelle Toby Goldstein, a medical doctor — and so much more.

Her first cycle was the creation. She was born, left her home and family to travel to a foreign land seeking wisdom. There, she learned powerful skills through trials and with the help of mentors. This was medical school in a second language and against the patriarchy that was threatened by a woman in what had traditionally be the domain of males. At the completion of her learning, she returned home to bring her powers and wisdom to the people she left behind.

Her second cycle was going into the world as a modern-day wizard. She traveled through her homeland gathering more power and knowledge as well as helping others and achieving modern-day miracles. On this journey, she sought happiness and fulfillment but faced new trials and hardships. The completion of this journey is when she found her one true love and was married.

The third cycle was when she took her accumulated wisdom and her mate — who became her partner and helped her accomplish new achievements — and rose to a higher plane. She broke free of the restraints of an academic institution to establish herself as a champion health practitioner, researcher of new healing, and finally completed the cycle by finding the promised land: she moved to California to start a new life and career with her mate.

Now in her fourth cycle — together with her mate, they traveled through this new land and began doing things that others would not or could not do. Her trials here included a health crisis that nearly killed her, but which she broke through to a new power/knowledge base — applying her traditional medical skills to the ancient arts of natural medicine. Her transformation included curing herself of congenital health conditions, losing massive amounts of weight, and transforming her visage to one of beauty. Changes in the way medicine is practiced and the fortunes of society destroyed the successful business and prevented her from continuing her practice.

This cycle is coming to an end, and the finish cannot yet be revealed. Strong allies are rallying around her. She is preparing new and exciting methods for the climax of this cycle. It could take her in any of several directions, but all of them are upward.

We are watching and expectant. The work is hard and risky, but the rewards are great.

This cycle will not be the last — there is much more ahead. But no more can be revealed yet. This is the cliff-hanger — stay tuned. All will be revealed — and it could be very soon.

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