la times


Can you believe it’s been 100 years?  Yeah, time really flies.

Windsor McKay — genius behind the Little Nemo comic strip — ventured into movies with “Gertie The Dinosaur”

Nobody had every imagined cartoons could move.  And before color movies — animation could be hand colored, so color film wasn’t needed.

Here is the 100-year-old Little Nemo film (partially hand-colored).  Please note — no drugs were used in imagining this wild specatacle.




Really interesting article from the LA Times – Hero Complex Winsor McCays Little Nemo Brought a New Animated Spirit to Film 100 Years Ago
Golden Age of Comic Books

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Cover art or horror comicThe LA Times ran an awesome article about 1950’s horror comics on Halloween.  It’s actually a review of a book detailing the gory history.

You can read the review here, and then decide if you have the courage to go read the book!



Thanks for the tip from Golden Age of Comic Books

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