2000 Archives


Mobile marketing is not a new phenomenon it has been around for 4 or 5 years, basically it was started with mobile phone companies sending text messages (SMS) to your mobile phone and trying to get you to buy a new mobile phone from them. Then you had the text messages that asked you to call a certain number; which if you did cost you a small fortune, these were mainly scams. However, times have changed and so has the mobile phone, smart-phone mobile media technology has come on leaps and bounds and is pushing ahead of internet technology.
Business:Marketing-Direct Articles from EzineArticles.com


Here’s some trivia for you: The term “bus boy” is derived from “omnibus boy.”  Yes, sexist though it seems, in days of old, a restaurant had a lot of things to be done, so they would hire a “boy” to clean off tables, gather the used dishes and cart them to the kitchen, sweep or mop the floor, empty ash trays, and whatever else needed done.

It may not sound like great entertainment for us to watch or read about, but you should nip over to Barnacle Press and read Omnibus Boy, set in a diner about a century ago.

And if anybody ever figures out what his name is — drop me a line.  I don’t think it’s mentioned anywhere in the body of work.

Another winner from BarnaclePress


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Have you ever been interested in scoring a film or TV show?


Composer Scott Starret has been providing the soundtrack for NBC’s new series The Event.

The official ASCAP blog has a video interview with the composer by  Etan Rosenbloom, Membership/Marketing Associate and Blog Coordinator

Highly Recommended.




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I assume that when seeing the title to this post, most fans of DC Comics immediately think of the shapeshifting, fire-hating martian, J’onn J’onzz who made hist first appearance in Detective Comics #225 (November 1955).  Indeed, some call this character DC’s first Silver Age superhero.  Other DC fans might think back a couple of years […]
Golden Age of Comic Books

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