2000 Archives


When you discover something that you’ve never seen before, there is a thrill — probably what Columbus felt when the lookout hollered “Land HO!”

Víctor E. Pazmiño was not just some hired pencil who put the funny animals on the page to beat a deadline.  His figures are action-packed, never static.  His layouts were revolutionary for their time — breaking out of panels and overlapping.

This talent is so big, Joyville devoted two columns to it.  Follow the link to the first one and when you’ve found you haven’t had enough, go look at the second one too!


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Hey there,

Before RSS feeds you had to visit SongWritingFever.com every time you want to check if there is a new forum post or a blog post. Now, this information comes to you!

So this website was lacking RSS feeds for quite some time. As a first step, here’s RSS feed for SongWriting Fever Blog and an aggregated RSS feed for our new songwriting forum: RSS Feeds

Both feeds are available as raw RSS and through feedburner. You can also subscribe to updates by email.

SongWriting Fever Blog

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hit songwriting tips podcastSamurai Songwriting shares an exclusive  interview with Andrea Stolpe, an award-winning songwriter who has penned songs for top artists like Faith Hill.

Andrea shares some of her new and original songwriting techniques from her new book, Popular Lyric Writing: 10 Steps to Effective Storytelling.

Go read the interview, and you’ll find a link to download a free chapter.


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Grover Cleveland

Shoot holes in all of your prospects objections using what you learn in these notes…

Once again MyNoteTakingNerd comes through — he does all the work and gives us valuable information.

This time, he’s gone straight to the master — Dan S. Kennedy of No B.S. marketing fame.  Kennedy is the man behind most of the major campaigns you’ve seen in the past 25 years.  He’s the brains behind most of those infomercials you see on TV (especially high profile ones like ProActive acne treatment and Victoria Principal beauty products) as well as putting Joan Rivers into business on QVC.

Nobody in the business disputes Dan’s supremacy.

So our favorite NoteTakingNerd has sat himself down with pencil and paper and taken notes — the thing he does best.

If you want the wisdom of Dan Kennedy without the expense and work of going to his seminars or buying his DVDs, just go check out this terrific blog.




Howie Post passed away about a year ago, and his contribution to comics has been acknowledged by numerous tributes.

Our buddies at Joyville have a nice retrospective of his work including some page scans from Hot Stuff, the Little Devil #19 (1960).

Skip on over to Joyville and enjoy the Hot Stuff.


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I’d vaguely heard of musical modes but didn’t know much about them until I decided to take some brush-up piano lessons a few years ago.

My teacher was a retired rocker from the 60s who had modest success and was enjoying his life of relaxation in a California beach resort town where my wife and I were staying.

As I got more educated in modes, I also got more interested in Jazz music.  I’d never understood where a lot of it came from or where it was going until I got modal.

If you want to stick your toe in the water, there is a great two-part series at ultimateguitar.com

Take a peek and see if it can help you awaken some creative juices in your playing or songwriting.


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One of the most valuable marketing techniques I’ve learned in the past few years is something that dentists have been doing for many, many years.

Open your mind and you can see how this applies to you — no matter what business you are in.  But it works especially well for promoting your band or your merchandise (like CDs and T-shirts and all that other stuff that people pay money for.)

Whenever somebody goes to the dentist, they are immediately entered into a computer for a follow-up campaign.  The most basic is a postcard in the mail (nowadays, probably an email) reminding you to come in for your 6-month check-ups.

But the up-sell is where the real money is.

Read more on Musicians, Bands, Songriters — You Can Market Like A Dentist!…