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Carolyn Rae Bartley was an ordinary girl from a very small town in an out-of-the-way place.  Her greatest accomplishments in life were simple, personal ones.

Craig, Carolyn and Don Ward, Nov. 1955

Craig, Carolyn and Don Ward, Nov. 1955. I'm hiding under the newspaper -- I won't be born for 4 more months.

She married at a young age and had three sons.  Her family was the center of her universe.  She was happiest when surrounded by her kids and grandchildren.

Like every life, there are tragedies as well as happy events.  She struggled with health problems most of her adult life and lost her first born child to cancer.

She survived her first encounter with that same disease, but it returned years later to finally claim her life.

No — she wasn’t a saint or a celebrity or anybody who attracted a lot of attention.

But, like all mothers, she made priceless contributions to the lives of many others — including me.

Today is the anniversary of her birth.  I remember mama — every single day.


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I filed my first copyright in 1978 and am now able to do so electronically.  It’s not just vanity.  I work at trying to get my songs recorded, licensed or somehow making money for me.

Along the way, I’ve taken an interest in the business side of music.  Frankly, if any musician is serious, I think this is a necessity.

Attorney and pianist Janie Gust has the first of a two-part series Who Owns the Song? Intellectual Property and the Musician (Part I)

and her personal web site is http://www.chez-janie.com/


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Alfonso “Al” Williamson shared a birthday with me.  I wish I had shared in some of his talent.

Al was one of the all-time great comic artists and was rightly recognized as such early on in his career.

He was a friend and collaborator of Frank Frazetta and his body of work included many of the big titles of the 20th century — Flash Gordon, Tarzan, the EC horror comics of the 50s and the Star Wars comic books.

Al’s artwork was dynamic and action-packed, like Burne Hogarth and Alex Raymond before him. It could be beautiful and intricate, like Hal Foster and John Cullen Murphy.

Flash Gordon scene from Al Williamson

RIP: Alfonso “Al” Williamson (March 21, 1931 – June 12, 2010)


TAGS: Al Williamson, artist, comics, newspaper, Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Tarzan


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If you are doing a direct mail campaign, how would you ensure that it would be successful? With a lot of other businesses aiming to be effective and successful in their marketing campaign, it would surely be a struggle to stand out. Some business owners would say that direct mail is either a hit or a miss.
Business:Marketing-Direct Articles from EzineArticles.com


John Lennon was asked, “What do you write songs about?”

And he answered, “Whatever annoys you.”  (From what I’ve read, John probably used a stronger word than “annoy.”)

I recommend checking in on Corey Stewart Songwriting Tips regularly.  A recent posting there says, “To be a songwriter you need to have the mindset of one. Always be on the lookout for an idea.

You can check out some methods of determining the subject of your next song, and how to always have a “next song.”




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Art school test drawingsHey Kids!

Remember “Draw Blinky?”

Remember matchbooks?

I wonder how many people actually followed through on these things.  I’m sure they must have gotten response or they wouldn’t have continued for so many years.

Anyway, just looking at these drawings brings back a bunch of memories.

But one question — why are they all drawn in left profile?  Is that a true test of an artist?



PS–I don’t think that’s how you spell “Musketeer”!

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The term “Doctor” is horribly over-used.

There are people in every field — Dr. Dre is a rapper, Dr. Laura is a physiologist who took a minor course in marriage counseling, Dr. Phil started out as an owner of workout gyms and picking juries for lawyers.

I lived in Oklahoma where every other person had a doctorate from some unaccredited bible college as a Doctor of Divinity (money-begging preacher).

So what about music?

Doc Pomus wasn’t a doctor — but he sure could write a great song (Save The Last Dance For Me; Viva Las Vegas)

“Doctor doctor give me the news, I got a bad case of lovin’ you!”

“I don’t need no doctor, ’cause I know what’s ailin’ me.”

… and I will leave you with the words of the wise old Witch Doctor —

Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang


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When companies look to promote their business to local consumers, one of the best ways is to use the common leaflet handout. It allows companies to create a local market presence, whilst giving them a chance to meet potential customers face-to-face. So, what are some of the more common practices for businesses looking to benefit from this inexpensive approach?
Business:Marketing-Direct Articles from EzineArticles.com